10 Tips for Making a Good Five Paragraph Essay Even Better

A five paragraph essay format typically comprises an introductory paragraph, 3 body paragraphs, and a concluding paragraph. It is very common for students in high schools and colleges to write five-paragraph essays.

Seeing that this sort of academic writing is quite common in schools, it is vital for students to practice and perfect writing it. This article will provide you with tips and hints on how to write a 5 paragraph essay.

How to write a five paragraph essay

When it comes to essay writing, students are often confused about the number of words a 5 paragraph essay outline should contain. We frequently hear the question, “How many words is a 5 paragraph essay?” The answer to this question is dependent on the theme, essay type, and writing style.

A general five paragraph essay structure is often between two hundred and fifty-five hundred words. However, if the paragraphs require high development and additional supporting sentences, then a 5-paragraph essay would contain between five hundred and one thousand words.

Below are 10 tips you should know before writing this type of academic paper:

  1. Pick a topic which can back-up a guiding thesis with 3 paragraphs

As earlier mentioned, the length of a 5-paragraph essay is dependent on the topic. It is always best to pick a topic that can accurately back-up your thesis with just 3 body paragraphs. Your introduction and conclusion already make up 2 paragraphs, leaving you with 3 more to go.

An example of a five paragraph essay topic is the role of advanced technology in education. Other examples include: the abolishment of the death penalty in the justice system, and discrimination against women in the corporate industry.

  1. Collect more information during research

Despite the fact that a 5-paragraph essay might seem small, there is a tendency that you will run out of words to write. Therefore, students are often advised to collect more information than less when doing research. It is more convenient to discard information than it is to generate new ideas.

  1. Choose a writing style

Your writing style and format are highly important. Endeavour to use the style and format required of you by your teacher. If none is required, choose a writing style that is clear and comprehensive for all readers.

  1. Answer the question of “how”

When writing a five paragraph essay, your priority should be to answer the question of “how”. Ponder on the “how” of your topic. For instance: How does advanced technologies affect education? Pondering on this allows you to elaborate your points and ideas in constructive paragraphs.

  1. Draft your introduction

Your introductory section should contain a hook, a topic sentence, a paragraph body, and a concluding paragraph sentence. A hook is the catching sentence, the one that captures the attention of your readers. A topic sentence introduces and generalizes your topic. A paragraph body contains an overview of the topic. A concluding paragraph sentence contains your opinions and points.

  1. Develop your 3 body paragraphs

Your body should contain 3 supporting points or themes, which are sectioned and elaborated in three paragraphs each. For each paragraph, endeavor to provide examples to support your points and include your personal commentary. A personal commentary is your perspective and ideas on the subject. Remember to connect your ideas together using transitory words.

  1. Draft a conclusion

In your conclusion, you simply restate your thesis, summarize your themes and points, and write a concluding sentence. Your concluding sentence might include a quote, a statement, a call to action, or a warning.

  1. Avoid certain phrases

There are certain phrases you should avoid. These phrases include: you, some, that, things, is, was, were, am, and cliches.

  1. Use synonyms

Often times, students run out of things to say when writing essays. This is obviously no fault of theirs. When faced with challenges such as this, rather than constantly repeating words, it is highly recommended that you use the synonyms of words.

  1. Revise and edit your essay

Proofread and revise your work over and over again. You might consider giving it to a close friend or family member to help in the proofreading process. This is because sometimes you might get so absorbed in the essay to the point where your brain ignores the smallest errors.


The above tips will help you in your quest to improve your academic writing and earn better grades when assigned a 5 paragraph essay.

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